Ultra Flex-Pens
For Single or Paired Calf Housing
Choose from 5′, 6′, and 7′ lengths. Super lightweight and easy to assemble. Features large rear Rotary Vent and Bi-swing front doors.
Open Air Flex-Pens
For Single or Paired Calf Housing
Same benefits as the Ultra Flex-Pen, except this pen has wire front and rear panels for ultimate air flow. Choose from 36″ or 48″ widths.
Starter Pens
For Single Calf Housing
Allows producers to train calves to drink properly and get them off to a healthy start. Front door is removable to be used as a Cuddle Box. Available in Standard, Elevated and Movable options.
Flap Duct Ventilation
For Single, Paired, or Group Calf Housing
Customized airflow for your herd. Adjusts for both warm and cold weather. Variable speeds and easy lever control adjusts to changing conditions.